Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Need Grows

In August we completed our 7th month of operation at Adama Martha Memorial Community Health Center (AMMCHC). There is a dedicated medical team working very hard to provide medical care for the Kono district community in Sierra Leone. Word continues to spread about the quality of care provided at the health center and so more and more people are traveling from all over Kono to receive medical help. This says a lot about the compassionate and competent staff that is working to provide this type of care.

The month of August was very busy as 1,480 patient's were seen for various general illnesses ranging from chronic to acute conditions. A total of 34 patient's received a hernia repair operation at the local Koidu Government Hospital and underwent post-operative care at AMMCHC. There are 23 people on the hernia repair waiting list. There were five successful deliveries in the maternity ward at AMMCHC. Two were healthy baby boys and 3 were healthy baby girls. We are grateful.

There is a team of six people going over from Jericho Road in October to help see patients, train staff, network, and provide encouragement to the local medical team. The collaboration continues to deepen and thrive as we work together to be the hands and feet of Jesus to that community. If you would like to support us financially in order to help offset some of the cost, please go to our website and give towards: Sierra Leone Oct Trip (other box). All donations will receive a tax receipt.

Please join us in praying for a medical doctor to join AMMCHC, the protection and success of the team going in October, strength for the local medical team as they work, and for the country of Sierra Leone especially the Kono district to be healthy and whole.